Dear DAGERSystem Supporters,
It’s been just over a month since the launch of The Accessible Games Database, and I want to share a bit about where it’s headed in the very near future.
First, we’re adding new games every week! Currently, the AGD has accessibility data from 160 games, and the rate at which we add games will only increase as we continue to build our data gathering pipeline. Thank you to everyone who has made providing data to the AGD a priority, your impact is huge!
Second, the next set of filters is almost ready to be implemented into the existing 70+ suite of accessibility features already available. We’re incredibly excited to include representation of features like invincibility modes and photosensitivity / visual triggers based on feedback from users and partners. If there’s a feature that impacts accessibility that the AGD currently doesn’t have, don’t hesitate to let me know! You can email me directly or fill out our “Report a Bug” form here.
Lastly, we’d like to extend special thanks to those who’ve helped us build, promote, and maintain The Accessible Games Database over the past month. The work is far from over, and I’m committed to continue improving the AGD until its accessibility information is as useful as possible for the millions of disabled gamers who have been asking for it.
Accessible Games Database Now Launching Oct. 1
It’s been a whirlwind summer for DAGERSystem, and I’m excited to say that the technical parts of the Accessible Games Database are complete, and we know that when it launches it will become the premiere source of consumer protection in the area of accessibility in video games.